Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shape Poem, Example 2

“Idea: Old Mazda lamp, 50-100-150 W.”  by John Hollander

Analyze this one!


  1. The beginning of this poem discusses light and darkness, and it does this by connecting it to whether the bulb is in the on or off position. I did detect a shift in the poem after "Oh yes I see" this underlined passage is emphasized. The poem transitions from a stable concrete interpretation using words like, “light” “dark” and “daylight” to abstract ideas (the mind). The poem becomes increasingly more abstract and makes connections to light and dark as it has to do with dreams and sleeping. It is at this point that I realized that the poem and shape serves as a large metaphor for the on/off switch of a light bulb as it compares to having your eyes open or shut. The ending phrase is "there was light." Through the progression of the poem, the light bulb comes to symbolize thinking and the world as a whole.

  2. The shift, "Oh yes I see" caught my eye, like Jared said. I like the way it was underlined, because before even reading the poem, that was the first thing I noticed. And I immediately connected it to the light that a light bulb would shine. When it says, "Flick Click" I pictured the switch turning, which also illustrates that there has been a shift(and a literal shift in the button). I thought it was interesting that every part of this poem connected to the light bulb. In a lot of shape poetry, I find that the shape itself is not really mentioned within the poem, it's more like you have to analyze the poem more to understand the shape (I don't know if anyone can really understand what I just wrote). I really like the ending line, "there was light". It brings the whole poem together and says that thinking creates light.
